Prepare for Promotion to Supervisor by asking these Five Questions

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Prepare for Promotion to Supervisor by asking these Five Questions

Prepare for Promotion to Supervisor by asking these Five Questions

You are thinking about applying for a new team leader, supervisor or manager position. You are imagining the prestige, the new found power you’ll have and hopefully a raise! Unfortunately the initial excitement and glamor of the promotion will be replaced with the realities that confront every new leader: Stress and pressure to deliver results; […]

Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

How did one client boost output on one of their production lines? Simple, it began with the question, “At what speed is this machine designed to run?” The answer was surprising – the machine was running at 30% less than it could have been running. There can be some good reasons to run a machine […]

Taking Action to Increase Accountability

Taking Action to Increase Accountability Let’s define accountability as having a sense of ownership over your work and receiving consequences for your actions and behaviors. Those consequences can either be positive (praise, promotion, recognition, compensation, more freedom) or the consequences can be negative (correction, discipline, demotion, less freedom.) Accountability is Mutual, Not One-way Mutual accountability […]

Want a great culture? Focus on these three things

The culture of your organization will either ensure your long term success or potentially leave your organization vulnerable to external threats. An effective culture leads to innovation, agility, great customer service, higher profit margins and high employee engagement. A weak culture creates and reinforces resistance to change, erratic financial performance, high employee absenteeism and turnover, […]