Dealing with Dominant and Disrespectful Employees

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Dealing with Dominant and Disrespectful Employees

Dealing with Dominant and Disrespectful Employees

A popular topic in the Front Line Leadership course is dealing with different personality styles. And one thing supervisors say is quite challenging is when one their employees has a dominant, driver personality type. A dominant employee will typically do these things: – Boss around their co-workers. – Tell their supervisor what to do. – […]

5 Reasons a Simple Notebook is a Supervisor’s Most Valuable Tool

5 Reasons a Simple Notebook is a Supervisor’s Most Valuable Tool Front Line Leadership Training

Front line supervisors, managers and team leaders can have a positive impact on their success if they use a simple pocket sized notebook as part of their daily management routine. The most obvious use of the notebook will be to document issues that support progressive discipline but that’s only the beginning. Can the simple notebook […]

Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

How did one client boost output on one of their production lines? Simple, it began with the question, “At what speed is this machine designed to run?” The answer was surprising – the machine was running at 30% less than it could have been running. There can be some good reasons to run a machine […]

Give the Freedom to Fix Frustrations

Give the Freedom to Fix Frustrations

The managers of two different groups I worked with recently both feared that their employees wouldn’t contribute ideas and that the session would be a dud. As it turned out one group identified 36 opportunities for improvement and the other 20 ideas. The opportunities for efficiency and customer impact were very high. The managers were […]