Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

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Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

 Want to stop losing employees? Consider creating a positive “hope slope” in your department. Employees don’t make the decision to leave your company, or stay, based on whether the environment is terrible or awesome. They make the decision based on whether things are getting better or getting worse. Your job as the leader is to give employees hope that […]

Stop Complaining About the Other Shift

Stop Complaining About the Other Shift

 Does your team complain about how the other shift leaves your department in terms of messiness, low inventory or lack of supplies? In this leader feeder, we’re going to learn why you should stop complaining about the other shift. When the employees on your shift complain about the previous one, do you join in on that complaining? […]

Praise: How to See and Say it

Praise: How to See and Say it

 Let’s look at praise: how to see it and how to say it. Every leadership program, including ours, will tell you that positive reinforcement is a good thing. It helps motivate your team and builds on the good things happening in your department. The question for you is how many good things are happening […]

Create a Thriving Subculture

Create a Thriving Subculture

 Even if the rest of your organization has somewhat of a dysfunctional culture, your own department’s subculture can thrive. Think about the various departments in your organization. Would you say that all of them have the same culture? Or does each department, shift, or location have its own unique subculture? Most people report that […]

Creating a Safety Culture

Creating a Safety Culture

 If you’re a leader in a production or operations role, safety should be your top priority. When leaders emphasize safety, workers know that management cares about them.  What is it that motivates unsafe or risky behavior? Usually it involves the worker deciding that productivity and shortcuts will save time, and they think that […]