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Category: Leadership

Stealing vs. Growing Star Employees

Is your organization better off stealing star employees from a competitor, parachuting a leader in from outside or would it be better to grow your own stars and develop leadership from within? That was the question being addressed by a session presented by the Richard Ivey School of Business at their ING Leadership Centre in […]

Lead Conflict Don’t Manage It

Managing Conflict is one of the top internet searches that brings people to our website. Most clients have the topic included in the leadership training we provide to managers, supervisors and team leaders. Many workshop participants associate the word conflict with negative words like arguement, war, battle, disagreement and frustration. Instead we could view conflict […]

Leaders Give Hope When Things Seem Hopeless

Leaders are expected to remain proactive and positive in challenging situations. When everyone around you is losing hope, your job is to re-ignite the spark of future success. Hopelessness is one of the worst feelings a human being can feel. At a joint meeting between the Rotary Club of London and the Salvation Army, Major […]