How do you deal with office politics? Some symptoms of office politics include, people having closed-door meetings–where they are talking about other people on the team–and people with cynical attitudes who gossip in a high-school way. Here are four tips for you to rise above office politics as a leader: 1. Avoid taking part. […]
Category: Supervisors
Setting a Good Example
Does your team think that you do a good job of setting a good example for them? Think about a leader for whom you have worked, who you think of as being an exemplary demonstration of leading by example. Chances are you are going to think of someone who, when there was extra pressure […]
Avoid Being a Micromanager
Could you be a micromanager? How can you stop it? Most people who are micromanagers do not know that they are micromanaging. They think they are being helpful. Here are three things you can do to empower your team and reduce micromanaging: Declare your intent to be helpful. Overtly declare that you want to […]
Explore Your Options
Do you know why you should consider your options? You don’t want to narrow down your choices too quickly when solving problems or making decisions. My dad always told me when I was buying something, I needed to look at two or three different options. He was coaching me on how to become a […]
Communication Tips for Effective Leadership
Communication is an age-old challenge in leadership. The good thing is, there are things that you as a leader can do to become more effective in your communication with your team. Effective communication will help you not only prevent problems and misunderstandings with your team but solve them when they do come up. Follow […]