Back to School for Supervisors

Home » Back to School for Supervisors

It’s September and the kids are going back to school. Should you go back to school as a supervisor?

Instead of being known as the average supervisor, aspire to be something greater. This can be achieved by going “back to school” and challenging some of the things that you have believed to be true in your leadership role. Always be learning from your team or peers and find ways to become even more effective in the future.

As you think about increasing your skillset as a leader, use these three tips:

1. Model yourself after the best leaders.

Chances are you are already doing this as a supervisor. Model the behavior of excellent supervisors or managers that you have had in the past, take their approaches and use them with your team.

You can see examples of both the good and the bad, and you want to make sure that you model yourself after the greatest leaders for whom you have worked.

As a leader, you should always be learning and increasing your skillset. Share on X

2. Be a lifelong learner.

Commit yourself to being a lifelong learner. It could be as simple as refreshing on fundamentals, or it could be just taking a more advanced view of some of the same topics that you have looked at before.

You should be trying to grow and develop as a leader every single year. Plus, it helps you adapt to the changing landscape and become more competitive and valuable to your company as well as to your team.

3. Stay curious and open-minded.

Once you have been in a leadership role for a while, it is easy to get negative, cynical, or overly judgmental. However, you need to stay curious. Have that healthy desire to discover new things and stay open minded to the fact that there are things you can do differently.

If you can embrace curiosity combined with the other two tips, then you can become a supervisor that is always learning.

As you get better as a leader, we are here to help you.

No matter what it takes, we want to be your partners in building a positive culture where employees want to work, so that you can attract the talent that you need for your success.

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