Don’t Blame the Customer

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Don’t Blame the Customer

I had the pleasure of attending a social event connected to a convention I was attending in Calgary. The organizers had planned an entertainment-packed evening at a “cowboy ranch” with gun slinging cowboys, a comedian, a live auction, and for those who were brave enough, a mechanical bull. All the proceeds were to go to […]

Multi-location operations – why performance and profitability varies from store to store

I probably shouldn’t have been thinking about business when I was supposed to be enjoying a meal out with my wife and daughter. We headed down to the closest location of a national italian restaurant chain. Based on previous experiences, it wasn’t my first choice. I should have trusted my gut. The men’s washroom was […]

Finish Strong in 2009 and Set Up for Success in 2010

A new business season is upon us and with it comes some old challenges and some new ones. Here are three action steps to achieve a strong finish in 2009 and set your organization up for a great year in 2010. 1. Get a Recovery and Growth Mindset Now is the time for you and […]

Leaders Don’t Allow Tasks to Take Time Away from People

With business demands and the amount of information increasing, it is tempting for managers to hunker down and spend most of their attention on tasks – dealing with customer/supplier issues, operational issues, answering email, endless meetings and the never ending to-do list. By spending so much time on tasks, the leader tends to spend less […]

What can leaders learn from dog obediance training?

After many months of discussion and pleading from my daughter, our family decided to adopt a dog from an animal rescue. Dundee is a cross between a shih tzo and a poodle (a.k.a. a ‘mutt’) and in the past three weeks he has captured our hearts and settled into our family. Not having owned a […]