Accountability creates results and job satisfaction

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Accountability creates results and job satisfaction

Accountability becomes mission-critical in challenging times. We need everyone in our organization to take ownership of results and make things happen. Creating an environment of accountability rests with management. Based on our 22 years of experience in organizational development and leadership training, we have discovered that managers systematically remove accountability. As a result the manager […]

New Audio Program Helps You Get Buy-in to Your Great Ideas

Have you experienced the situation where you think you have been clear in communicating what you want and need, only to be disappointed and frustrated when others do not buy in enthusiastically? Even the most thought-out, logical arguments might create unexpected resistance. That’s exactly why Dr. Peter DeShane and I collaborated to create a brand […]

Leadership Strategies to Grow Sales in a Recession Video

If you missed our live seminar and webinar, now is your opportunity to purchase the recorded version of the one-hour webinar. Watch it personally or get your team together and watch as a group. Click here to preview the program video and purchase it now. This presentation covers the following information designed to help you […]

What can leaders learn from dog obediance training?

After many months of discussion and pleading from my daughter, our family decided to adopt a dog from an animal rescue. Dundee is a cross between a shih tzo and a poodle (a.k.a. a ‘mutt’) and in the past three weeks he has captured our hearts and settled into our family. Not having owned a […]