Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

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Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

Missed Opportunity to Motivate with Metrics

How did one client boost output on one of their production lines? Simple, it began with the question, “At what speed is this machine designed to run?” The answer was surprising – the machine was running at 30% less than it could have been running. There can be some good reasons to run a machine […]

Leadership Strategies for Managing Millennials, Leading Culture Change, Resolving Conflict, Mentoring and Maximizing Maintenance Performance.

Leadership Strategies for Managing Millennials, Leading Culture Change, Resolving Conflict, Mentoring and Maximizing Maintenance Performance.

Isn’t it amazing how September feels like the start of the business year? To kick off the Fall, we wanted to share some ideas for increasing the capabilities of your leaders and employees. If any of them stir your interest, please send us a call or an email to discuss further. 1. Equip Your Front […]

Canada Job Grant Helps Pay for Training

Canada Job Grant Helps Pay for Training

A new training grant by the Canadian and provincial governments can help pay for two thirds of training costs you incur to upgrade the skills of your employees (including supervisors and managers) up to $10,000 per employee. You likely already know that investing in training for your employees makes sense and yet it can be […]

What about the followers?

Over a coffee with a colleague, she shared with me an interesting trend emerging in followership. For decades, most training and development has been focused on executives, managers and front line supervisors with the justification that improvements made at those higher levels will be reflected in the behavior and results of the staff at the […]

Leadership – The Missing Ingredient Needed in Process Improvement

Why is it that most process improvement initiatives never quite pan out as advertised? Whether it is Lean, Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement, ISO/TS 9000 – the end results often fall far short of the promise and potential. There is a crucial ingredient missing – Leadership. We’ll explore that more below. — Last week we ran […]