Don’t Let A Promotion Go To Your Head

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A promotion is great, but many leaders aren’t prepared to face the challenges that come with it.

Some new leaders let the power of a promotion go to their head with disastrous consequences.

I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, I realize I was exactly the type of leader I wouldn’t want to work for today.

Bringing enthusiasm and energy to your new leadership role can help set the pace for your team.

Your effectiveness is going to increase with your experience. After all, as a new leader, you haven’t yet experienced all the challenges you’re going to run into during your career. You’ll be dealing with people problems, struggling to hit your numbers, being part of a project that doesn’t work out as planned – a lot can go wrong. It’s important to expect to experience challenging situations in your new role as a leader. And it’s also important to recognize that you won’t have all the answers and you won’t know how to handle every situation that arises. When I was young, I thought I knew everything. Now, even after learning a lot, I realize how much I still need to learn.

Here are a few tips to balancing your cockiness and confidence as a new leader with the fact that you still have a lot to learn:

Tip number one: Watch and learn. There are potential mentors all around you. Watch how more seasoned leaders deal with the challenges they face. Learn from what they do right, and what they do wrong. Ask for advice in areas of leadership where you’re uncertain and stay curious about what all those other leaders do. And, maybe more importantly, learn why they do what they do.

I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, I realize I was exactly the type of leader I wouldn't want to work for today. Share on X

Tip number two: Apologize when you mess up. As a newer, overly-confident leader, you’re going to make mistakes. It’s important to own up when you mess up. Instead of being defensive and trying to deflect blame, apologize and take responsibility. Your team will give you another chance when you do this, but they won’t if you don’t acknowledge and apologize.

Tip number three: Stay positive. You might discover that your initial enthusiasm will get worn down as the realities of leadership set in, and it can even become a bit discouraging. Recognize this is completely normal, and that your long-term success will be based on your level of resilience.

One final tip: See the good in the people around you, and the opportunity in the challenges you face. Do this and you’ll position yourself for long-term success.

What was the biggest challenge you faced when you were promoted last? Share your answer in the comments below.