Keeping Employees Motivated

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How can you ensure that standardizing work doesn’t inadvertently cause your employees to become demotivated?

When work becomes routine and repetitive, employees can lose motivation. Here are three tips to keep work interesting.

The first tip is to avoid dumbing down the work.

This can happen as you try to make things more standardized in your work process. In making the jobs finite in their scope, it also makes them routine and takes away the need for team members to think in order to execute.

The second tip to keep employees motivated is to add variety back into the work process.

If you can expand the scope of someone’s responsibilities so they are responsible for more of the workflow, you can pique their interest. Having employees deal with different things from time to time and adding variety to their day, will add to their motivation and engagement.

Having employees deal with different things from time to time and adding variety to their day, will add to their motivation and engagement. Share on X

The third tip is to empower employees and hold them accountable.

Many leaders mistakenly think their team is uninterested in being empowered or being held accountable. If that is what you have been thinking, it’s time to question it. Your team members actually do want to take responsibility for their work because of the sense of pride that comes with it. One of the reasons they don’t, is because you as the leader interfere, make decisions for them and try to solve all the problems.

Put the ownership onto the team and explain what the expectations and the desired results are. Then try to get out of their way so they can produce the outcomes you’re looking for.

To keep #employees #motivated, avoid letting #work become routine and repetitive. Share on X

By doing these three things, you can add more variety and interest to the work, and avoid letting it become routine and demotivating. You’ll benefit from an increase in productivity and the morale boost that comes with having a more motivated workgroup.