How to Avoid Causing Emotional Injury to Others

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How to Avoid Causing Emotional Injury to Others

How to Avoid Causing Emotional Injury to Others

It’s always present and mostly sitting in the background, it’s is the evidence that emotion significantly overrides logic. Employees often share situations where they felt disrespected or belittled and those situations impacted their ability to trust others. Some of those emotional injuries and scars were from personal experiences at home as a child and others […]

Three Tips to Increase Employee Involvement

Three Tips to Increase Employee Involvement

How to Increase Employee Involvement Involving your employees helps accomplish a number of positive things, such as: Your team members will buy into change more easily when you ask them for input. Because many jobs can become boring or routine, asking for input can add some variety and challenge and that can help motivate your […]

Five Tips to be more Effective when Communicating with your Manager

Learning how to be more effective when communicating with your manager can bring less stress to you as a front line leader and position you for future promotion. Here are five tips to help: #1 Present possible solutions, not problems Every time a problem is presented without a solution, two negative situations are created: First, […]

Want a great culture? Focus on these three things

The culture of your organization will either ensure your long term success or potentially leave your organization vulnerable to external threats. An effective culture leads to innovation, agility, great customer service, higher profit margins and high employee engagement. A weak culture creates and reinforces resistance to change, erratic financial performance, high employee absenteeism and turnover, […]