If you are an introverted leader, you might feel your colleagues get more credit than they deserve, and you might not be getting proper credit and acknowledgement for the contributions you make. It can be irritating if you are a self-contained introvert and you are seeing your extroverted colleagues get more credit and accolades […]
Tag: Frontline Employees
Leadership Tips To Avoid Bureaucracy
Why is it that companies with more bureaucratic cultures tend to make a big deal about little things? You don’t have to be a government agency or a publicly funded institution to have a bureaucratic culture. Bureaucracy develops in many large established companies. A bureaucracy in and of itself is not a bad thing—after […]
Leadership Tips To Avoid Bureaucracy
There are three common things leaders find frustrating in their workgroups, that can be linked back to what they, as the leader, are doing.
Are You Creating Your Own Frustrations?
There are three common frustrations leaders have with their workgroups, that can be linked back to what they, as the leader, are doing. The first frustration that can be linked back to a leader’s actions is employees who are not accountable. Leaders want employees to take ownership and be accountable. They want their workers […]
Are You Creating Your Own Frustrations?
There are three common things leaders find frustrating in their workgroups, that can be linked back to what they, as the leader, are doing.