Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules?

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Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules?

Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules? supervisor and employee looking at rules

How can you get your newer employees to identify stupid rules? You could make your workplace more appealing and discover opportunities to improve things by tapping into the fresh perspectives that newer workers bring to the workplace. A new person joining your workplace is going to have a totally different experience than the employees who’ve […]

Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules?

Does Your Workplace Have Stupid Rules? supervisor and new employee talking

 How can you get your newer employees to identify stupid rules? You could make your workplace more appealing and discover opportunities to improve things by tapping into the fresh perspectives that newer workers bring to the workplace. A new person joining your workplace is going to have a totally different experience than the employees […]

Your Greatest Leadership Successes

Your Greatest Leadership Successes leadership success

 No doubt you’ve learned from your mistakes, but what have you learned from your successes? There is a treasure trove of learning you can get by reflecting on your past successes. You’ve heard the expression, “you learn a lot from your mistakes”, and certainly a lot of your leadership lessons have probably come from […]