Rise Above Office Politics

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Rise Above Office Politics

Rise Above Office Politics rise above office politics

 How do you deal with office politics? Some symptoms of office politics include, people having closed-door meetings–where they are talking about other people on the team–and people with cynical attitudes who gossip in a high-school way. Here are four tips for you to rise above office politics as a leader: 1. Avoid taking part. […]

Improving Culture Scores

Improving Culture Scores improve culture scores

 How do you influence the culture scores or employee survey results that your organization is gathering? It is tempting to look at employee surveys or culture scores as something that has nothing to do with you as a supervisor. However, the way that most employees judge the organization is very much influenced by their […]

Embrace Challenge

Embrace Challenge stressed blue collar worker

Why should you, as a leader, embrace challenges? It’s tempting to think that challenging events and situations are only stressful and negative, but they can also contribute to some of your greatest strengths as a human being and leader. Here are three tips to reframe your thinking about challenges: Tip number one is to see […]

Embrace Challenge

Embrace Challenge construction worker stressed

 Why should you, as a leader, embrace challenges? It’s tempting to think that challenging events and situations are only stressful and negative, but they can also contribute to some of your greatest strengths as a human being and leader. Here are three tips to reframe your thinking about challenges: Tip number one is to […]