Home » Be The Leader of Choice

In today’s Leader Feeder, we’ll look at how you can be the leader of choice to help you recruit and retain talented workers.

When the economy is running well, many companies find it a challenge to recruit and retain talented workers. They want to be the employer of choice. For your company to be the employer of choice, you need your leaders to be leaders of choice. Let’s help you, as a front line leader, help your organization be seen as an employer of choice.

Many leaders mistakenly think that the decision is always about wages when in reality, the leader should be focused on things that they themselves can control and influence.

Let’s say that a number of other companies in your area are aggressively trying to hire people. The question that should be on your mind is, “How can I differentiate what it feels like to work for me from what it might feel like to work at the other company nearby?”

Employers can appear to be interchangeable or a commodity in the eyes of the employees. If things don’t work out at one job, there’s always another option.

Differentiate yourself as a leader from leaders of other companies in your area so that you’re not seen like all the rest. Share on X

Here are some tips for you to be a leader of choice:

Create a welcoming environment. Be sure to make positive connections with new employees on their first days on the job, and acknowledge their progress.

Clarify expectations, be clear about what you want, when you want it, and the behaviors that you expect.

Add variety. Give people different job tasks so they can achieve mastery.

Communicate openly, keep your team members informed about what’s going on, not only in your department, but across the entire company.

And finally, be a positive leader. Be the kind of leader people would choose to work for.

Your job as a leader will get easier when you can retain talented team members, and that will happen when you strive to be a leader of choice.

What’s another thing you do to make your company stand out to new hires?

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