Confident Communication
This topic is the final one leading up to the Personal, Career and Leadership Success Seminar, this Wednesday at the Caboto Club. The seminar is at 7 PM, tickets are $25 and will be available at the door.How do dogs greet one another? They sniff each other – imagine the chaos if we did this. […]
MoreDealing With Difficult Personalities
Dealing with Difficult Personalities – This is the third topic in a series leading up to the Personal, Career and Leadership Success Seminar, presented by AM800 at the Caboto Club from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. Q: Why is it that certain people get under our skin and we find them difficult? A: It could […]
MoreYour Big Dream
Last week we talked about getting unstuck, this week I want people to think about their big dream. In difficult times, we tend to focus very short term – taking it one day at a time. In the long run however we need to dream big to achieve our full potential. As an exercise in […]
MoreGetting Unstuck
People often tell me – I feel stuck in my personal life or my career. First, realize that for the most part, feeling stuck is mostly a function of your mind. Being stuck is usually a function of fear of the unknown or leaving your comfort zone to take a perceived risk towards what you […]
MoreSetting Goals for 2008
New Years Eve is typically the time when many people make New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, many of those resolutions get broken, sometimes on the very first day of the new year! Here are some guidelines for setting achievable goals for yourself and your business in 2008: 1. Set the goal high enough that there is […]
MoreWhat Employees Wish Santa Would Bring Them
Dear Santa: I have been a good employee all year and wish that you could help my manager bring me the following gifts this season. They would help me become happier and more productive next year. 1. Give me the gift of clear expectations – help my manager become more clear in what he or […]
MoreWhen Your Boss is a Bully
There are still a number of managers out there who are bullies – they treat people in an aggressive and demeaning way – and they are making life miserable for their employees who are victims to their bullying – and what the boss might not realize – it is hurting the bottom line as well. […]
MoreHow to Act at the Company Christmas Party
It’s the time of year when many companies have their holiday Christmas party so I thought we could share some tips to help you enjoy and steer clear of any pitfalls – potential career limiting moves: 1. Don’t drink too much – For many people, the draw of an open bar encourages them to drink […]
MoreMaking a Quantum Change in Your Leadership Approach
Recently I was working with a supervisor who just wasn’t getting it. His people hated working for him, his boss was thinking of firing him or demoting him. He was in our leadership training program and yet he thought the course was stupid and refused to apply the course on the shop floor. He had […]
MoreWhat Makes a Good Co-Worker?
We spend so much of our time at work that the people we work with are important people in our lives. And just like family they can be annoying sometimes or they can be a pleasure to work with. From interacting with thousands of people from hundreds of different workplaces, here are some of the […]