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Grooming Kids to Be Leaders

As parents we want the best for our children and I thought people would have an interest in grooming their children for future leadership.Q: Are people born leaders or are they groomed?A: The answer is a little of both. We are born with certain attributes and personality characteristics which give us a better chance at […]


Things That Should Not Be Delegated

Things that business owners should not delegate. At the end of the interview I am announcing a no charge teleseminar for AM800 listeners on August 29th at 8 PM. Most of the time I encourage business owners and managers to delegate as much as possible to the people who report to them. I came across […]


Leadership Lessons from Disneyland

In this segment I want to talk about some of the observations I have made about our experience at Disneyland and how it compared with some of the other theme parks we attended while in California. Many people from this area will have been to Disneyworld in Orlando. For those who haven’t been to Disneyland […]


Retreats to Rejuvenate the Leadership Team

For the July 23rd Leadership Wizard segments on AM800 Q: Aren’t these off site retreats just an excuse for management to play golf and party? A: Well the answer is yes and no. The prime reason to do an off site retreat for the leaders in an organization is to get away from the day […]


Tips for Lead Hands and Team Leaders

For the July 16th Leadership Wizard Segment on Am800 Q: Why the focus on Lead Hands and Team Leaders? A: Not everyone knows what we mean by Lead Hand or Team Leader. A lead hand or team leader is usually a working leader – they work right along side their fellow workers. They have some […]


Coaching for Greater Leadership Success

Topic for July 9th AM800 Leadership Wizard Segment Today’s topic discusses how companies, organizations and business owners are using performance coaches to help them achieve greater success. Q: What does executive coaching look like? A: Executive coaching is a one-on-one relationship between a manager and an external coach. For example with some of the people […]


The Importance of Vacation

In the spirit of the Canada Day holiday and the upcoming July 4th holiday, let’s talk about using your vacation time to relax, refocus and reenergize… Q: Most of us like vacation time – but some managers and business owners can’t seem to leave their work behind them, right? A: Yes, there are some organizations […]


Grooming Future Leaders

A major issue for many businesses and organizations is how to prepare future leaders within the organization for the many leadership roles expected to be created as the number of retirements increases. Q: Is it the manager’s job to groom their own replacement? A: Yes, one expectation of leaders is that they grow the people […]


Challenging Employees to Top Performance

Managers and supervisors need to challenge their employees to increase their motivation and performance. Q: Why is challenge a motivator for employees – aren’t they looking for a comfortable easy job? A: Let me answer it with a question – if I were to ask you and every listener to think back to the time […]


When and How to Fire Someone

Part of the experience of being a manager is having to fire an employee. So this morning we will look at when a manager should consider firing an employee and how to do it with tact and professionalism. Please note that this is not professional legal advice. Readers are cautioned to seek legal counsel prior […]
