Should you post job openings? Or should you just appoint the person you think is the best fit? If you decide simply to appoint someone to a position without posting it first, you’ll end up getting a backlash of negativity for not posting it for others to consider. It’s tempting to skip the job […]
Category: Performance
When Results Miss Expectations
What do you do when results miss expectations? In other words, your team isn’t hitting their numbers. As a leader in an operational setting, consistently achieving results is your main objective. You’ve likely felt the pressure when your team isn’t hitting the numbers. And some bosses think that the right answer is to raise […]
Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers
We all want to be liked by others. But when you’re in a leadership role, focusing on being liked by your team can cause disastrous results. Think back to your favorite teacher in high school or college. At first, you might think of the teacher who was the easiest on you. But when you […]
Working Hard to Avoid Hard Work
Do some of your workers work hard at not working rather than simply doing the work that you’ve assigned? You may have seen this in your working career, where someone makes a significant effort to only do the bare minimum. The following three examples might be hard to believe, but they’re actually true. In […]
Great Managers Have These Traits
In the Front Line Leadership course, we ask participants to think back to the best manager or supervisor they’d ever worked for, and then list some of those traits that made the manager so successful. Let’s cover five of the most common attributes that make their way onto the flip chart in the classroom. […]