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Managing Insubordination

Managing Insubordination

 Watch, read, or both: the following is a transcription of the video above. Dealing with insubordination is something that you might run into as a front line supervisor, manager, or even as an executive. We’re going to look at what insubordination is, and what you should do about it when you encounter it. Insubordination […]

Developing a Vision for Your Team

Developing a Vision for Your Team

Read, watch, or both: the following is a transcript of the video above. Some people say the job of a front line leader is pretty easy — as long as you have all your team members report for work with the necessary skills, your machines, and equipment work properly, your raw materials are good and […]

How to Solve Problems as a Team

How to Solve Problems as a Team

Getting your team to help solve problems together tends to yield better solutions and greater buy-in when it comes to implementing those solutions. In some of our leadership modules, we have used a survival simulation where leaders can experience, in real time, the pitfalls that impact the decisions teams make. There are two dynamics happening […]