Combating Entitlement

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Combating Entitlement

Combating Entitlement

 In this edition of Leader Feeder, let’s look at how you can combat a culture of entitlement. What is entitlement? Entitlement can be defined as thinking you deserve something, without having to actually work for it. Working for something (and achieving it) creates a sense of satisfaction; there’s nothing quite like the feeling of […]

Mentoring vs. Coaching

Mentoring vs. Coaching

 Contrary to popular belief, there’s a difference between coaching and mentoring. And you, as a front line leader, a supervisor or manager, need to know what it is. What does mentoring look like within an organization? Many organizations want to establish a “mentoring” culture so that employees can ask colleagues who have more experience […]

Handling Turnover and Retention

Handling Turnover and Retention

 Let’s discuss how you, as the front line leader, influence the turnover and retention in your department. Turnover is very expensive for leaders and organizations. You need employees to want to come to your place of business to work. You also need them to stay with you, so you can train them and help […]

Smart Manufacturing – Smart Supervisors

Smart Manufacturing – Smart Supervisors

Read, watch, or both: the following is a transcript of the above video. As technology accelerates, many producers are embracing smart manufacturing. As enthusiastic as you might be about implementing the new technology, not everyone will feel the same way. Involved in the process will be people such as continuous improvement coordinators, engineering staff, or […]