Avoid Being a Micromanager

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Avoid Being a Micromanager

Avoid Being a Micromanager avoid being a micromanager

 Could you be a micromanager? How can you stop it? Most people who are micromanagers do not know that they are micromanaging. They think they are being helpful. Here are three things you can do to empower your team and reduce micromanaging: Declare your intent to be helpful. Overtly declare that you want to […]

Keeping Employees Motivated

Keeping Employees Motivated Keeping Employees Motivated

 How can you ensure that standardizing work doesn’t inadvertently cause your employees to become demotivated? When work becomes routine and repetitive, employees can lose motivation. Here are three tips to keep work interesting. The first tip is to avoid dumbing down the work. This can happen as you try to make things more standardized […]