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Do you attract or repel talented employees?

As we approach an employment market where some of our most talented and experienced workers will retire, it will become even more crucial to attract and retain talented staff. So how attractive does your company rate? Do your leaders live up to the promises made during the recruiting and hiring process? Let’s examine how leaders […]


Passive personality types and an upcoming seminar

Continuing with last week’s topic, I will recap the openness and directness scale and the Director and Socializer personalities. Then there are two personality styles that are more indirect and passive: Thinker – the thinker is indirect and less open – they like working on their own. They like being immersed into complex projects and […]


Adapting to Different Personality Styles at Work

This week I thought we could look at different personalities at work. There are two main observations you can make to determine a person’s dominant personality characteristics: First – you can observe how open a person is – how readily do they share information, including personal information – are they open or self-contained? This is […]


How to overcome resistance to change at work

Change is a problem at work because it disrupts existing habits. The subconscious mind memorizes routines we carry out regularly – this is why you can drive to work and not remember how you got there – your subconscious took over and memorized. This also explains why it is so difficult to quit smoking, change […]


Making Impossible Business Targets Possible

As the new year rolls around, most businesses start a new budget year, usually with targets even higher than last year’s numbers. Many managers get a little anxious about how they can hit these targets. So let’s look at some ways that managers can replace worry with strategy and make those impossible targets possible. There […]


Last post before the holidays

Things have been busy with many interesting projects and inquiries. During this upcoming holiday season I encourage you to discover a deeper spiritual meaning beyond the commercial spending, wrapping and opening. Enjoy family and friends. To listen to some of the audio segments from the past few weeks, just click here: Leadership Wizard Audio and […]


Email – does it help or hurt communication at work?

Do you ever wonder how much time is being consumed by email communication? It is time that we stop and evaluate whether email is helping or hurting the communication in our organization. Management and employee email boxes clogged with needless cc’s and people hiding behind email to avoid meaningful communication with people. Hundreds and thousands […]


Performance Review or Performance Surprise!

Performance reviews can make both managers and employees anxious. Read the article I have linked below in order to see how to make the process more effective. Article on Performance Reviews Click here to listen to the audio segment: Copyright MMIX Unique Training & Development Inc. All rights reserved. For speaking, training or coaching, please […]


Bad Meetings and How to Make Them Better

This week, I tackled the subject of meetings that are poorly planned and poorly run. Read the article and listen to the segement and then promise yourself to never run a bad meeting again! Article on Bad Meetings and How to Fix Them Listen to this week’s segment: Copyright MMIX Unique Training & Development Inc. […]


Scary Things Managers Do and Shouldn’t

In the spirit of Halloween, this articles describes 16 management behaviors that are scary and destructive, along with some ideas on better leadership. Click on this link to read the article: Article on Scary Things Managers Do and Shouldn’t Listen to the audio clip from this week’s show: Copyright MMIX Unique Training & Development Inc. […]
