How Should Leaders Apologize?

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How Should Leaders Apologize?

How Should Leaders Apologize?

 How should leaders apologize? In a recent Leader Feeder episode, I discussed that one of the first steps to rebuild trust is to offer a sincere apology. A recent study revealed helpful suggestions on the difference between an ineffective and effective apology. Whether you watch a politician, an actor or a business executive apologize, […]

Great Leaders Listen

Great Leaders Listen

 One of the key leadership attributes that will make you successful is your ability to listen to your group. When you think about some of the people that you consider to be the most effective communicators, chances are that they’re great listeners. When you listen better as a leader a few things will happen: […]

Tough Guys Get Hurt Feelings

Tough Guys Get Hurt Feelings

 The tough guys on your team get hurt feelings. Yes, even those tough guys are sensitive on the inside. And when their feelings get hurt, instead of whimpering, they come out swinging, substituting anger for sadness. In the toughest, grittiest work environments, where the work is tough and the workers are just as tough, […]

Is Your Leadership Disengaged?

Is Your Leadership Disengaged?

 Is your leadership disengaged? When you as a leader are disengaged, it causes your employees to be disengaged. Many companies are trying to increase their employee engagement, but what if the root cause is that the leader is disengaged? Think of employee engagement like the transmission in your car. When the transmission is disengaged […]

Make Promises You Can Keep

Make Promises You Can Keep

 As a leader, you probably find yourself needing to make promises to members of your team. But, there are only certain promises you can actually make. Most leaders don’t try to be untrustworthy, it happens completely by accident. And usually because the promises that you’re making are not within your control to actually deliver […]