Is Your Leadership Disengaged?

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Is Your Leadership Disengaged?

Is Your Leadership Disengaged?

 Is your leadership disengaged? When you as a leader are disengaged, it causes your employees to be disengaged. Many companies are trying to increase their employee engagement, but what if the root cause is that the leader is disengaged? Think of employee engagement like the transmission in your car. When the transmission is disengaged […]

Leaders Who Shouldn’t Be Leaders

Leaders Who Shouldn’t Be Leaders

 There are leaders out there who shouldn’t be leaders. The reality is, for every 15 to 20 supervisors there’s usually one or two who aren’t up to the challenge, and they’re holding back their team from achieving more. The interesting thing is that, given the chance, many of those struggling leaders would gladly go […]

Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers

Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers

 We all want to be liked by others. But when you’re in a leadership role, focusing on being liked by your team can cause disastrous results. Think back to your favorite teacher in high school or college. At first, you might think of the teacher who was the easiest on you. But when you […]

Working Hard to Avoid Hard Work

Working Hard to Avoid Hard Work

 Do some of your workers work hard at not working rather than simply doing the work that you’ve assigned? You may have seen this in your working career, where someone makes a significant effort to only do the bare minimum. The following three examples might be hard to believe, but they’re actually true. In […]

When Leader Helpfulness Creates Helplessness

When Leader Helpfulness Creates Helplessness

 As a leader, you’ve probably been made to believe that being helpful is a good thing. And usually, it is. But, did you know that there are instances when helpfulness is a bad thing? It all comes down to accountability. When your team member comes to you and they’ve got a game plan figured out, […]