A promotion is great, but many leaders aren’t prepared to face the challenges that come with it. Some new leaders let the power of a promotion go to their head with disastrous consequences. I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, I […]
Tag: new supervisor
Don’t Let A Promotion Go To Your Head
A promotion is great, but many leaders aren’t prepared to face the challenges that come with it. Some new leaders let the power of a promotion go to their head with disastrous consequences. I can remember being cocky and overconfident back in my early days of leading a team. Now when I look back, […]
New Manager, New Department
We’re going to look at the challenges when managers are assigned to new or different locations, departments or divisions inside your company, what’s good about it, and how to approach making changes. If you’re reassigned as a manager to a different department, location or division, you might want to show results very rapidly when you […]
To Promote From Within, or Not: That is the Question
Promoting from within is still a good idea, despite many of the pitfalls involved. Most of the people in our training classes report being promoted from within. There are several advantages that come along with it. For instance, they know the work; they have a better understanding of how the company operates, and they already […]
5 Mistakes Newly Promoted Supervisors Make
I remember my first supervisory job back when I was 22 years old, supervising a group of peers my own age and five people who were many years more senior than I (and many of them had previous management experience). Partly based on a fear of making mistakes and an overactive ego/bravado I made many […]