Praise: How to See and Say it

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Praise: How to See and Say it

Praise: How to See and Say it

 Let’s look at praise: how to see it and how to say it. Every leadership program, including ours, will tell you that positive reinforcement is a good thing. It helps motivate your team and builds on the good things happening in your department. The question for you is how many good things are happening […]

Is it Skill or Will?

Is it Skill or Will?

Is it a matter of skill or is it will? That’s the question you need to ask yourself when a team member isn’t meeting your expectations as a leader. Knowing whether the gap in performance is a skill issue or a motivation problem helps you gain the clarity you need to create the most effective solution. […]

Creating a High-Performance Team

Creating a High-Performance Team

 A fragmented team rarely creates results. So, how exactly can you create a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration in your team? In one of our workshops, we have people take two minutes to brainstorm all the items they can think of that have a certain attribute or characteristic. We find that people will […]

Leaders: Watch Your Tone

Leaders: Watch Your Tone

 It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Most leaders underestimate how truly powerful this piece of advice can be. As a front line leader, supervisor or manager, how you say things to your team will impact their motivation, engagement and performance. One of the classic ways leaders mess up the tone […]