Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers

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Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers

Leadership Traits of Favorite Bosses and Teachers

 We all want to be liked by others. But when you’re in a leadership role, focusing on being liked by your team can cause disastrous results. Think back to your favorite teacher in high school or college. At first, you might think of the teacher who was the easiest on you. But when you […]

Make Promises You Can Keep

Make Promises You Can Keep

 As a leader, you probably find yourself needing to make promises to members of your team. But, there are only certain promises you can actually make. Most leaders don’t try to be untrustworthy, it happens completely by accident. And usually because the promises that you’re making are not within your control to actually deliver […]

Great Managers Have These Traits

Great Managers Have These Traits

 In the Front Line Leadership course, we ask participants to think back to the best manager or supervisor they’d ever worked for, and then list some of those traits that made the manager so successful. Let’s cover five of the most common attributes that make their way onto the flip chart in the classroom. […]

Avoid These Disciplinary Mistakes

Avoid These Disciplinary Mistakes

 Are you making these disciplinary mistakes? If so, you may be creating a worse situation with your employees. Correcting unacceptable behavior and performance is a part of a leader’s responsibilities. But as a leader, when you don’t do it well, you’ll end up more frustrated than before you started. So, let’s take a look […]

Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

Stop Losing Employees: Create a Sense of Hope

 Want to stop losing employees? Consider creating a positive “hope slope” in your department. Employees don’t make the decision to leave your company, or stay, based on whether the environment is terrible or awesome. They make the decision based on whether things are getting better or getting worse. Your job as the leader is to give employees hope that […]