The Importance of Productivity

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The Importance of Productivity

The Importance of Productivity

 Productivity should be a major focal point for virtually every leader, because your team’s output has a direct impact on revenue and cost. Productivity is how much output your team can generate within the resources you have available. The more you can produce with the resources available, the greater the value your team generates. […]

Misdirected by metrics?

You’ve likely heard the expression, “What get’s measured, gets managed.” And yet, if you pay attention to the wrong metrics or measurements, it can distract both management and employees from desired behaviors. Metrics provide management with the key information needed to make decisions and assess performance in the business. Paying attention to the wrong metrics or […]

How Ego Blocks Engagement

Having just wrapped up two more Front Line Leadership programs, it never ceases to amaze me the amount of potential in the leaders taking the course. One of the requirements of graduation is for each participant to document how they have applied elements of the course and the impact it has on their department.   […]